Reflections: Open Mind & Heart

Picture of Esu Nick

Esu Nick

To be completely open is to be completely exposed.
Is this a wrongness?

No, quite the opposite.
In this state we are open to receive all the magic of life.

While it can be beautiful it can be a challenge, because when we open to the enjoyable aspects of life, we also open to the not so enjoyable aspects as well.

We are designed to experience all emotions.
It is not the emotion which is challenging, it is the intensity of emotion which is challenging.
The more open we are, the more we experience the higher realms of intensity.

If we are able to surrender to this, we are able to remove pain associated to intensity, experience the full spectrum of what it is to be human and access the true treasure of life.

Pain in this context is experienced when we resist this intensity. Joy is found in surrendering to this intensity.

Will our emotions be the path to pain or joy? We each get to decide for ourselves.


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