Transform Your Mind and Body with EFT Tapping Techniques

Today I would like to share a technique with you that can help you find emotional freedom. It’s called tapping EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique. You may have already heard of it, but please stick around because I’ll be giving an example that could be relevant to you. The beauty of this technique is that … Read more

Reflections: Making Magic Moments

In life we experience all manner of things.There comes a time when experience itself becomes a joy, regardless of it’s nature. There are also experiences which give us a sense of the magic. Experiences which light us up inside and make us feel like anything is possible. We of course know these as ‘magic moments’. … Read more

The Little Soul and The Sun – A Children’s Parable

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul who said to God, “I know who I am.” And God said, “That’s wonderful! Who are you?” And the Little Soul shouted, “I’m the Light!” God smiled a big smile. “That’s right!” God exclaimed. “You are the Light.” The Little Soul was so happy, for it … Read more

Reflections: Anticipation & Expectation

Wise teachers throughout the ages have declared that there is nothing but the present moment, both future and past are simply an illusion, a figment of the imagination. To be in the present moment is the only way to be alive, allowing ourselves to be caught up in the illusion of past or present is … Read more

Muscle Testing: Why “Power vs Force” by Dr. Hawkins is a Must-Read for Personal Growth

In “Power vs Force,” Dr. Hawkins presents a new model for understanding human consciousness and its relationship to power and force. He argues that power, unlike force, is a positive, life-affirming energy that can be used for good, while force is a negative, destructive energy that can only lead to suffering. One of the key … Read more

Unlock Your Potential with the Scale of Consciousness: The Revolutionary Ideas of Dr. David Hawkins

Dr. David Hawkins was a renowned psychiatrist, spiritual teacher, and author who dedicated his life to exploring the nature of consciousness and the potential for personal growth and development. Over the course of his career, Dr. Hawkins made significant contributions to the fields of psychology, spirituality, and personal development. He developed a very popular map … Read more

Reflections: Open Mind & Heart

To be completely open is to be completely exposed.Is this a wrongness? No, quite the opposite.In this state we are open to receive all the magic of life. While it can be beautiful it can be a challenge, because when we open to the enjoyable aspects of life, we also open to the not so … Read more